Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bluebonnets to Edelweiss

I'm finally doing it. I'm making a long-awaited dream come true, and I've never felt better! I was actually looking over a list of goals that I had written outin college, and this one topped the list. I remember writing it down and thinking to myself--is this really ever going to happen? I wish that I could credit some kind of inspirational, motivational lecture, book, or article, but I can't. All I can credit is serendipity, which just so happened to flash across the monitor this morning when I opened the Word of the Day:

ser-uhn-DIP-uh-tee: The faculty or phenomenon of making fortunate accidental discoveries.

I'll count Lu and I randomly coming across a website for an overseas Armed Forces Recreation Center as the front-runner in a long list of fortuitous events. Even though I'll be making the trip across the pond without my dear Lu, I know that this is exactly what I am so supposed to do, and I haven't looked back since.

I have 6 weeks until I make the lucrative professional shift from Marketing Coordinator to Resort Hotel Attendant, a.k.a "Housekeeper." Even though I'm taking a serious pay cut, I feel justified because I am getting a definite upgrade in scenery.

Ok, so maybe becoming a maid at a ski resort in a foreign land wasn't exactly one of my top ten goals in life, but moving to Europe after college was, and fulfilling that dream is making my life that much merrier.

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